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RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN; MFA                                                                                        2021

Ceramics Department Graduate Program

Internationally recognized program that promotes independent research and experimentation in consultation with faculty advisors, Lesley Baker, Katy Schimert, Anina Major, Nicole Cherubini, Jeannine Falino and guest critic, Glenn Adamson; Special studies in Queer Film, American Consumer Culture and Interdisciplinary Collaboration.

Collegiate Teaching in Art & Design: Certificate

Study in the area of collegiate-level studio pedagogy.

IUPUI HERRON SCHOOL OF ART + DESIGN; BFA                                                                              2019

Ceramics Department Undergraduate Program

Rigorous program focused on the development of various technical abilities, with interdisciplinary practice highly encouraged; Special studies in CNC Milling and Design, Studio Art and Technology, and Sociology. 

Art History Minor 

Studies include: Women in Art, German Expressionism, Digital Art and Design, and Contemporary Art


FULL-TIME ADJUNCT FACULTY + CERAMICS LAB COORDINATOR                                     2021 - 2023

University of West Florida; Pensacola, FL 

Responsible for the instruction of 4-2-4 course load in ceramics and foundations. Courses include: Intro to Ceramics, Digital Ceramics, Wheel Throwing, Sculptural Ceramics, Mold-Making, 2D Design, and Art Appreciation. Additional instructional duties include the facilitation of four Personal Directives per semester. Responsibilities also include the oversight and upkeep of the ceramics studio. This includes the management of inventory, budget, work-study students, and equipment repair. Studio equipment includes: four electric kilns, a Bailey gas kiln, soda kiln, raku kiln, spray booth, slab roller, clay mixer, slip mixer, casting table, extruder, sixteen wheels, and a Potterbot 10 (Micro).

INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD: DIGITAL CERAMICS                                                                                2021

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Responsible for instruction of students from various departments and degree levels

(Undergraduate freshman - second or third year graduate students); Provides demonstrations

of the 3D printing process as related to the ceramic medium to ensure comprehension of newly acquired skills; Prompt critical thinking to enhance each student’s individual studio practice.

INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD: SLIP CASTING AND MOLD MAKING                                                     2020

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Responsible for instruction of students from various departments and degree levels

(undergraduate freshman - second or third year graduate students); provides demonstrations

of slip casting, mold making, slip making, glaze application and of general studio equipment

used in the process to insure comprehension of newly acquired skills; Prompt critical thinking to enhance each student’s individual studio practice.

TEACHING ASSISTANT                                                                                                                 2019-2020

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Provided teaching-related assistance to primary instructor by mixing clay/slip and glaze, firing student work, monitoring and purchasing supplies; Supported students in understanding coursework, developing technical skills, and communicating concerns related to coursework in order to insure success. Courses include: Slip Casting and Mold Making, Digital Ceramics, and Ceramic Sculpture. 


DIGITAL CERAMICS PRINT STUDIO MANAGER                                                                         2020-2021

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Develop supplemental educational materials including a 3D Potterbot 9 user manual and video tutorial for the ceramics department; Schedule time slots for students and maintain equipment including two 3D Potterbot 9 ceramic printers and a Lulzbot TAZ 3D plastic printer;Provide students with technical support related to equipment use.

DIGITAL CERAMICS FACULTY ASSISTANT                                                                                          2021

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Assisted Associate Professor Lesley Baker in ceramic 3D printing related research; supported in the physical assembly and re-coding of an open-source Delta ceramic printer. 

STUDIO TECHNICIAN ASSISTANT                                                                                               2019-2020

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Assist technician in making repairs to all departmental equipment as needed (including electric and gas kilns, clay mixers, and all related equipment); assist in making physical alterations within the department; work with technician to meet deadlines of solve emergency problems with equipment; assist in preparing for scheduled classes or events.

DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL                                                                                            2015-2019

Tangram / Stonebelt; Indianapolis, IN / Bloomington, IN

Support individuals with disabilities by teaching, assisting, facilitating and building on the individual’s strengths in the areas of: Recreation; Socialization; Health and safety; Self advocacy; and Employment. Actively engage in creating and maintaining a healthy and safe environment specific to each client; Discover and foster activities that promote a meaningful day; Introduce clients to new experiences and relationships; Work one-on-one to support clients to learn new skills for daily living. 


UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA CERAMICS CLUB ADVISOR                                                 2021-2023

University of West Florida; Pensacola, FL

Act as ceramics liaison between the University of West Florida and the community (including First City Arts Center and Pensacola State College); Support students in efforts to raise funds for NCECA.

GRADUATE STUDENT ALLIANCE REPRESENTATIVE                                                                          2020-2021

Rhode Island School of Design; Providence, RI

Attend meetings where representatives communicate ideas, suggestions, and concerns from their departmental cohort that relate to and affect the graduate student community both academically and socially. Help plan and execute events by facilitating communications and connecting their department with the broader graduate community, the GSA and the Grad Studies Office and vice versa.




B22: Wiregrass Biennial Panel Discussion; Virtual Artist Talk                                                           2022

B22: Wiregrass Biennial; Wiregrass Muesum of Art; Dothan, AL; W/ Roscoe Hall, Mar Martinez, Jimmy Nicholson



ALL-AMERICAN AND VERY DOWN TO EARTH                                                                                      2022

Good Children Gallery; New Orleans, LA

SURVIVING THE WILDS OF THE PANHANDLE                                                                                      2022

TAG (The Art Gallery), University of West Florida; Pensacola, FL


WE DO ACKNOWLEDGE, BUT WE DON'T ALWAYS SCAN                                                                   2022

Charles W. Lamar Studio Gallery; Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts;

Pensacola State College; Pensacola, FL; W/ Jimmy Rhea

COEXTENSIVE MATTER                                                                                                                           2019

Eskinazi Fine Art Center; IUPUI Herron School of Art + Design Thesis Exhibition;

Indianapolis, IN; W/ Marita Chustak


B22: WIREGRASS BIENNIAL                                                                                                                   2022

Wiregrass Museum of Art; Dothan, AL

24th SAN ANGELO NATIONAL CERAMIC COMPETITION                                                                     2022

San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts; San Angelo, TX

8th ANNUAL DIRTY SOUTH CUP COMPETITION                                                                                   2022

River Oaks Square Arts Center; Alexandria, LA

IN PLACE                                                                                                                                                   2021

TAG (The Art Gallery); University of West Florida; Pensacola, FL

ASK: OUR DIVERSE WORLD                                                                                                                   2021

Tsinghua International Conference on Art + Design (Virtual); Beijing, China

MARS IS FOR FAGS                                                                                                                                  2021

WaterFire Arts Center; RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition; Providence, RI

ART IN THE TIME OF CORONA: VOL. II                                                                                                  2021

Dab. Art Co. (Virtual); Los Angeles, CA

AFTERLIGHT: ONLINE                                                                                                                              2021

Field Projects Gallery (Virtual); New York, NY

OFF CENTER                                                                                                                                             2021

Blue Line Arts; Roseville, CA

EPPERSON NATIONAL CLAY COMPETITION                                                                                         2020

Epperson Gallery of Ceramic Arts; Crockett, CA

RISD CERAMICS TRIENNIAL                                                                                                                   2020

Woods Gerry Gallery; Providence, RI 

ONYX + EAST                                                                                                                                            2019

Harrison Gallery; Indianapolis, IN

PAPER AND CLAY                                                                                                                                     2019

Caine College of the Arts; Logan, UT

  • Slip Casting + Mold Making

  • Wheel Throwing + Hand Building 

  • Clay + Glaze Formulation 

  • Electric + Gas Kiln Operation/Repair 

  • Soda + Raku Kiln Operation 

  • PLA + Ceramic 3D Printing 

  • Rhino + Fusion360 3D Modeling 

  • Adobe Photoshop/InDesign/Illustrator/PremerePro

  • CNC Milling + Design

  • Introductory Ceramics 

  • Advanced Ceramics

  • Digital Ceramics

  • Sculptural Ceramics

  • Wheel Throwing 

  • Slip Casting + Mold Making 

  • Clay + Glaze Chemistry

  • Installation 

  • 3D Foundations

  • 2D Design 

  • Introductory Digital Fabrication/Digital Arts

  • Art Appreciation


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